Your Opportunity to Help Fund A Fan


One of the things that I enjoy about the Super Powered Fancast and, more importantly, the fans of our website and podcast, is the sense of community that I’ve discovered both as a part of the fan community and with fellow podcasters. When we started this a year ago, we couldn’t have dreamed that we would be able to continue to and flourish the way that we have. While we still work hard to create and bring you all new content on a regular basis, we’ve been given some unique opportunities lately.


Recently, I was lucky enough to be offered an opportunity to attend Star Wars Celebration 2017 as a member of the Press. It’s a great opportunity to see the convention from behind the scenes and a great way of bringing you stories and interviews with some of your favorite actors from the Star Wars Universe. Hopefully, we can get some exclusives as well including gaming announcements from EA.


Click to Donate Now!

Unfortunately, the way we keep the podcast free is by paying for everything ourselves. We’ve been working steadily for over a year to build an audience and when we get to a certain number, we can attract advertisers that will offset the costs. Until then, if I’m going to attend Star Wars Celebration 2017, it will either take a miracle in the form of fans of the website and podcast. I’ve started a GoFundMe page for the specific purpose of raising funds to pay for airfare, hotel and transportation to the venue during the weekend of April 13-16. Any amount will help and every donation will get my unending gratitude.


Click the link below and donate. Even if you don’t, I still appreciate your patronage to our website and listening to our podcast. Thank you

Help Me Get To Star Wars Celebration 2017.

Deron Generally


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