X-Men Red #9

Marvel Comics

Written by Tom Taylor

Art by Roge Antonio

Colors by Rain Beredo

Letters by Cory Petit

Kitty contacts Jean to inform her that Rachel has gone missing. Jean immediately knows that Cassandra Nova is involved and decides to confront the mutant telepath on her own. The rest of her team tries to intervene, especially Kurt who is shocked to learn that Jean knows about their relationship. Jean enlists Storm to help her free her daughter from another timeline and she heads to Genosha to confront Cassandra.

Cassandra has manipulated Rachel into thinking that she back to being one of Ahab’s hounds and sicks the girl on Jean. While Cassandra fights to destroy Jean, Jean fights for the mind of the girl. The battle leads Jean to make a choice in order to save Rachel. A choice that will pit Jean against Cassandra alone and unarmed. A choice that might prove fatal. 

Taylor has really stepped it up with this issue. He does a great job of building from the drama and action of the previous issue and gives Jean a real fight with Cassandra striking so close to home. Not only is the pacing well done in this issue, but even the side stories with the rest of the team are good. I like that Taylor takes time amidst all the drama to have the characters still interact like people. The Gentle/Trinanry moment was sweet and Jean’s acknowledgment of the weirdness of their lives was very funny. 

Antonio has some great art in this issue. I enjoyed how it kept pace with the plot and added some fun expressions to many of the characters as well as a great fight between Jean and Rachel with a satisfying final twist.

X-Men Red #9




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