X-Men: Psylocke One-Shot #1

Marvel Comics

Written by Steve Foxe

Art by Lynne Yoshii

Colors by Ruth Redmond

Letters by Ariana Maher

The Rundown: Psylocke tries to take a vacation, but darkness over Japan changes her plans.

Kwannon and John Greycrow decide to take a vacation in Japan, but both find it hard to relax given recent events and their general warrior nature. Things become more difficult when darkness falls throughout the world and Psylocke psychically sense that people are in danger.

A series of dangerous creatures from Japanese mythology are attacking and killing everyone in sight. Psylocke and Greycrow descend on the city to protect everyone they can, but their battle will become more dangerous with the emergence of a dangerous and vengeful entity.

The Story: I’m not a fan of tie-in stories, but Foxe creates a fantastic one-shot in this story. I love that the story doesn’t stick with the vampire motif but leans beautifully into Japanese lore and horror. I really enjoyed the action in the issue a lot as well as having Psylocke as the main character in this story. There is some great drama in the issue and the story showcases how unique a character Psylocke is.

The Art: Yoshii delivers amazing art in the issue. I not only loved the character designs, but the creatures were beautifully designed and visually scary.

X-Men: Psylocke One-Shot #1



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