X-Men #20
Marvel Comics
Written by Gerry Duggan
Art by Stefano Caselli
Colors by Federico Blee
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: While the X-Men fight off the brood on an alien planet, Jean tries to find out the source of the invasion.

While Cyclops deals with his injured father, the rest of the X-Men find themselves fighting off a growing Brood horde while trying to rescue the survivors. At the same time, Jean confronts Broo about his control of the Brood and discovers that there is something wrong. Something that will reveal the true threat behind the brood menace.
At the same time, Forge and Monet work to free themselves and Knowhere from the dimension they are trapped in using an artificial black hole while Krakoa prepares to welcome some unexpected new residents.
The Story: Duggan delivers some dark twists and turns throughout this issue as well as great action and tension. It’s an enjoyable adventure from start to finish with thrilling moments and great reveals. Everything builds beautifully and each story informs the others in ways that make all of them compelling. I had no idea where the story would go next, but the ride was entertaining. The final cliffhanger at the end of the issue was insanely clever and I cannot wait to see what happens with it.
The Art: Caselli offers some fantastic art throughout the issue. The visuals are fantastic and the action is thrilling throughout.