X-Men #11

Marvel Comics

Written by Jed MacKay

Art by Netho Diaz

Inks by Sean Parsons

Colors by Fer Sifuentes-Sujo

Letters by Clayton Cowles

The Rundown: An unexpected reunion will lead to a dangerous chase and reveal.

As life continues at the Factory in Alaska, a spaceship crashes into the mountains in Canada. A spaceship whose occupant has escaped and is heading towards Merle. Cyclops gathers his team to intercept the possible threat and discovers that it is Scott’s father Corsair.

Unfortunately, the family reunion becomes complicated when a starship emerges from the sky hunting them and the X-Men go on the offensive to stop them. As a battle rages on their ship, Corsair reveals that he isn’t the target of these mercenaries, Cyclops is.

The Story: MacKay crafts a fun, thrilling and entertaining story in this issue. The story is filled with great action and suspense as well as a series of fun interactions between Scott and his father. There is an immediacy to the story as things ramp up throughout the story and everything comes together with a great cliffhanger ending with the competing super team being both a possible ally and potential enemy.

The Art: Diaz delivers fantastic art throughout the issue. I love the visuals a lot and the action was thrilling throughout the issue.

X-Men #11



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