X-Force #4

Marvel Comics

Written by Geoffrey Thorne

Art by Marcus To

Colors by Erick Arciniega

Letters by Joe Caramagna

The Rundown: X-Force hunts down Nuklo as the rift begins to evolve.

The team is down, but the rampaging Nuklo still finds itself facing off against Tank before the creature disappears. After the team regroups, they investigate the strange pyramid that emerged and discover a dimensional rift. After Forge tracks the anomaly to the other side of the world, the team will have to travel through dimensions to get to their location.

After emerging in Florida, the team finds themselves facing off against open rifts, monsters and two Nuklo’s rampaging through the area. The team will also find itself getting some unexpected help from Man-Thing.

The Story: Thorne continues to craft a thrilling story with great stakes. I continue to enjoy the premise of the story and the makeup of the team. Unfortunately, I still don’t get a sense of the characters themselves. There are moments that seem unnecessarily contentious and I have a hard time seeing why any of these characters would follow Forge anywhere, let alone consider him a leader. To make matters worse, he doesn’t really do anything to remedy that himself. I did like the twist with the ending and look forward to seeing what happens next.

The Art: To delivers beautiful art throughout the issue. The action is beautifully detailed and I love the character designs a lot.

X-Force #4



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