X-Force #2

Marvel Comics

Written by Geoffrey Thorne

Art by Marcus To

Colors by Erick Arciniega

Letters by Joe Caramagna

The Rundown: Forge and his team find another anomaly and it will bring them to Wakanda.

The team’s next mission will bring them to a nation that is dangerous to outsiders who try to breach its borders, Wakanda. After learning that there is another breach in the technologically advanced nation, X-Force moves in to stop it.

Unfortunately, their mission takes some dangerous turns when their ship is destroyed and the team is separated with many of them coming under the control of a dangerous entity using dark magic and calling himself the Black Panther.

The Story: Thorne creates an entertaining and thrilling story throughout the issue. There is a wonderful sense of immediacy to the plot and it definitely hits the ground running as the story brims with action and thrills. The team dynamics are interesting as well and I like seeing their interactions. There is a great ominous tone to the story as well given the location the characters find themselves in as well as the danger they face and I like the self-contained nature of these stories so far.

The Art: To delivers fantastic art throughout the issue. The environments are visually lush and interesting and the character designs are great.

X-Force #2



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