In a move that should come as a shock to no one, the sequel to one of the most popular and highest grossing superhero films of last year that starred a female lead with a female director will be adopting new standards of behavior for the upcoming sequel.


The Producer’s Guild of America released a set of guidelines for dealing with and preventing sexual harassment on film sets Friday. Wonder Woman 2 will be the first production to adopt those guidelines according to an article in Vanity Fair. The announcement comes after news that producer and financier Brett Ratner was removed from the production after allegations of sexual misconduct surfaced.

According to PGA presidents Gary Lucchesi and Lori McCreary; “Sexual harassment can no longer be tolerated in our industry or within the ranks of the Producers Guild membership.” According to the Vanity Fair article;

The PGA guidelines, released on Friday, outline a number of ways film productions can stymie the tide of sexual harassment on sets, from the basic—obey local and federal guidelines regarding sexual assault—to more proactive efforts, including designating advocates on set to whom workers can report concerns without fear of reprisal.


Gal Gadot and director Patty Jenkins are signed on to return for the sequel that is slated for release in 2019.




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