Wonder Woman #782
DC Comics
Written by Michael W Conrad and Becky Cloonan
Art by Marcio Takara
Colors by Tamra Bonvillain
Letters by Pat Brosseau
The Rundown: Diana fulfills a promise while duplicates of her go on the attack.

On their way across the ocean, Diana notices something out of the window headed straighter for their plane. After warning Boston that something is coming, she gears up while Deadman warns the passengers to stay in their seats. A small army of Wonder Woman descend on the plane and Boston immediately knows there is something wrong, especially when they shatter after being punched. With more of them heading towards the plane, Diana decides to take the fight outside.
In the aftermath, Diana and Boston continue their investigation with Dr. Psycho standing at the top of their suspect list. After Etta and Steve get word of the plane attack, they begin their own investigation as Diana continues her journey to fulfill a promise to a friend. After finding what she’s looking for, a call from Steve hastens her return. A return that will reveal the truth behind the mirror clones of Wonder Woman.
The Story: Conrad and Cloonan deliver a good story in this issue. The action was lively and entertaining. The dialogue was great between Diana and Boston and her journey was compelling and interesting. The Dr. Psycho moments felt a little off and nothing about his presence in the book elicits anything other than amusement, but it’s not egregious enough to distract from the bigger story. The finale reveal was well done and made me interested in what happens next.
The Art: Takara delivers some great art. There are great action beats to be found and the character moments between Diana and Boston are visually engaging.