Wonder Woman #769

DC Comics

Written by Mariko Tamaki

Art by Steve Pugh

Colors by Romulo Fajardo Jr

Letters by Pat Brosseau

The Rundown: Diana faces down Liar Liar, but she must find another way to stop her.

Diana contemplates the many sins of Maxwell Lord as he lies in a coma with Wonder Woman guarding him. Liar Liar is on the loose and Maxwell’s daughter is looking to kill him in her delusional state. As she continues to craft a fantasy world in her mind where she is the hero and everyone, including Diana, is the villain, she moves closer to where her father is being held.

Diana decides that the best way to stop her might be to try to understand the world through her eyes and she proceeds to do just that. Seeing how Diana is perceived by the young woman and how she sees the world and the legacy of her father, Diana tries to find a level of understanding with her and hopefully stop her from fulfilling a quest that she might never come back from psychologically.

The Story: Mariko Tamaki crafts a conclusion to the Liar Liar storyline that is deceptively simple on its surface, but is filled with deep layers of story as well showcasing the personal pain of its antagonist. There’s no simple solution to the character’s plight and it is a testament to who Wonder Woman is a character that she is willing to risk so much to save her. I really enjoyed where this story was going thematically and where it finally landed. Especially, what happens with the twist at the end of the issue.

The Art: Steve Pugh delivers some impressive visuals in this issue. Not only do the characters look great on the page, but the detail and contrast between Liar Liar’s reality and her delusions were well done.

Wonder Woman #769



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