Wonder Woman #764
DC Comics
Written by Mariko Tamaki
Art by Steve Pugh
Colors by Romulo Fajardo Jr
Letters by Pat Brosseau
The Rundown: Diana and Max Lord hit the streets of Miami to track down some stolen tech.
Wonder Woman and Max Lord are working together on a case that brings them to Miami to track down some missing Lord Enterprises technology. While Diana enjoys the atmosphere and takes in the city, Max is annoyed both with being watched and with being recognized as a television actor.

When the duo find the person who has the stolen tech, he releases an army of killer robots on the beach to take Wonder Woman down. While Diana fights against the robots, Max does his best to help, but on his own terms.
The Story: Mariko Tamaki delivers a great story that has humor that works for both the characters and their circumstances. The dialogue is fun and fresh as Diana and Max differ about their experiences in the city and Diana finds herself reigning in Max’s worst impulses. It’s a fun and interesting pairing that is even more engaging when Diana contemplates her distrust of Max and Lord works his angles on his own.
The Art: Steve Pugh delivers some great art in this issue. There is a lightness to the story that is perfectly embodied in the style of the art and how the characters move throughout the panels. A great looking issue.