Wonder Woman #58
DC Comics
Written by G. Willow Wilson
Art by Cary Nord
Inks by Mick Gray
Colors by Romulo Fajardo Jr
Letters by Pat Brosseau
Ares, God of War, has been prisoner on Themyscria long enough. When he finally determines that war is not the answer that he seeks, he has his cellmate take a drastic step to allow him to escape. In the present, Etta decides to give Diana a courtesy call after the hero awakens from a nightmare involving Steve. The information she’s given prompts Diana immediately into action.
Ignoring the warning from her friend and the delicate diplomatic situation she’s become a part of, Diana proceeds to look for Steve while dispensing her own brand of justice on the warring factions in the region, including the allies of the United States. Her actions allow for some situations to develop that she is unaware of as well as a confrontation with someone as powerful as she is with a desire to dispense a new form of justice.
Wilson is doing something interesting with the character of Wonder Woman and her connection to both the gods and Steve Trevor. While the story opens some intriguing doors, there are some small character issues I have. Diana has always been one of the more level-headed characters in the DC universe. Even dealing with the potential loss of someone she cares for, she’s rarely shown this level of reckless impulsivity. She leapt into a situation without thinking and it seems a little out of character for her. Regardless, the issue was fun and ended on a moment that makes me interested in what happens next.
Cary Nord’s art is good. There are some well done compositional panels and the action looks great. I like the style of the characters and the tone has a kinetic movement that really enhances the tension in the story.