Wonder Woman #10

DC Comics

Written by Tom King

Art by Daniel Sampere

Colors by Tomeu Morey

Letters by Clayton Cowles

The Rundown: Diana finds herself washing up on a beach facing off against Cheetah.

The Sovereign continues his mission to break Diana one way or another. After his previous plans fail, he decides to send Diana to an island to confront another prisoner he has been torturing, Cheetah. At the same time, Yara, Cassie and Donna look for something that will help them save Diana.

Diana and Cheetah battle across the island day and night with neither one giving ground before a moment that changes everything happens. A moment the Sovereign did not predict.

The Story: King crafts some intense and entertaining moments throughout this story. The story runs a little slow at times, but the intense interactions between Diana and Cheetah are worth it. The humor in the second part of the story is a little forced, but doesn’t take away from the main story. I wish there was more substance to the interactions between Yara, Cassie and Donna. The main story has some great buildup and I look forward to seeing what happens next.

The Art: Sampere delivers some beautifully detailed art throughout the issue. There are some beautifully detailed backgrounds and environments along with brilliantly detailed characters and action.

Wonder Woman #10



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