Wolverine Revenge #2

Marvel Comics

Written by Jonathan Hickman

Art by Greg Capullo

Inks by Tim Townsend

Colors by FCO Plascencia

Letters by Cory Petit

The Rundown: Logan begins his mission of vengeance as the world continues to deal with the fallout of a dangerous event.

Standing among the coffins that held both friends and allies, Wolverine is confronted by the real Nick Fury who gives him on a lead on the first person on his kill list. After getting some unexpected help from Forge, Logan finds a powerful weapon from a former enemy and heads to a small town to confront one of the men responsible.

After ending the enemy’s control of a small town, Logan discovers the locations of the rest of his foes and makes a dangerous plan to confront the one with the closes connection to him. A plan that will bring him to the desert for a final confrontation with Sabretooth.

The Story: Hickman crafts a wonderfully dark and brutal story in this issue. I like seeing the different factions deal with the crash of Asteroid M and how it has changed the landscape of the world. Logan is given dark purpose throughout the story and it is good to see him flex his muscles as a strategist as well as a killing machine. There is something darkly satisfying about seeing the character cut loose without the shackles of other’s morality and I look forward to seeing where his mission takes him next.

The Art: Capullo delivers beautifully detailed and insanely brutal art throughout the issue. The art has a visceral and satisfying visual feel that captures the brutality of Wolverine as a fighter.

Wolverine Revenge #2



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