Witchblade #2

Image Comics

Written by Marguerite Bennett

Art by Giuseppe Cafaro

Colors by Arif Prianto

Letters by Troy Peteri

The Rundown: Sara worries that she’s losing yourself to her new power.

In the aftermath of getting the bracelet and the powers that come with it, she is suspended from her investigation into corrupt officers. As she heads back to her home, she finds herself becoming more connected to the power growing within her.

As she continues to deal with the reality of her new powers, she finds herself dealing with another issue. As she finds herself fighting something strange that came to her home, she is unaware that she is being watched.

The Story: Bennett continues to craft a thrilling, engaging and entertaining story in this follow up issue. There is great action throughout the story and wonderful intrigue that drew me in as a reader. I love the personal journey of the character in this issue and how she is conflicted in her journey with the witchblade. I like the duality in the story and look forward to seeing where it goes next.

The Art: Cafaro delivers some beautifully detailed art throughout the issue. The action was visually thrilling and as compelling as the story.

Witchblade #2



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