White Savior #3
Dark Horse Comics
Written by Eric Nguyen and Scott Burman
Art by Eric Nguyen
Colors by Iwan Joko Triyono
Letters by Micah Myers
The Rundown: With the White Savior gone, Todd and Maggie have to come up with a new plan.

The White Savoir Nathan Garin is dead and Todd and Maggie are responsible. Unfortunately, the battle is tomorrow and they have no way of stopping the warriors of Inoki from marching to certain doom save one desperate act. One that will have some unexpected results for Todd.
With the battle temporarily postponed, Todd and Maggie come up with a desperate plan to stop the upcoming slaughter. A plan that will have Todd confront Kenzo directly leading him to a fighting pit and a battle to the death against a familiar face.
The Story: A side splitting and funny continuation of a hilarious story from Nguyen and Burman. The writers do a masterful job of upping the tension while keeping the story funny and engaging. I love the self referential humor in the plot as well as the twists it continues to take. The one toward the end of the story is fantastic and makes me excited to see how the story concludes.
The Art: Nguyen’s visual style is amazing and I felt visually immersed in the world of these characters. There is a great visual rhythm to the story and I loved seeing how well the art complements the story and its emotions.