We Have Demons #1
Best Jackett Press
Written by Scott Snyder
Art by Greg Capullo
Inks by Jonathan Glapion
Colors by Dave McCaig
Letters by Tom Napolitano
The Rundown: Lam finds herself on the front lines of a war for the fate of humanity itself.

Lam has a story to tell and it isn’t pretty. In fact, it’s about the fall of humanity and how she will play a role in it. A story that begins with her relationship with her father and a tragic decision that both saved her life and left her with a missing arm. As she tells her story, she reveals that as close as she is with her father, the man had secrets. Secrets that she never confronted until it was too late.
In the aftermath of a personal loss, Lam discovers her father’s secret life. A life that includes a war dating back to before humanity and her new role in fighting that war. A war against the demons who threaten all of humanity. Fortunately, she won’t be fighting them alone.
The Story: All of the mystery and humor in the first few pages of this issue have me hooked. The story is strong and grabs you right away with great descriptive storytelling, a compelling mystery and interesting and dynamic characters. Lam is a great narrator and Snyder does a great job of making her an engaging character you want to hear more from as well as learn about. It’s fun and massive in scale while being boisterous and funny. There are definitely elements that remind me of the Evil Dead movie series in a good way.
I’m hooked by the scope, premise and world being created in this series and cannot wait to see what happens next after the action packed finale of this issue.
The Art: Greg Capullo’s art is fantastic. It’s beautifully detailed across every page and the art perfectly captures moments of humor and humanity as well as spectacle, horror and action. A beautiful looking book from cover to cover.