Unnatural: Blue Blood #1
Image Comics
Written by Mirka Andolfo
Art by Mirka Andolfo and Ivan Bidarella
Colors by Francesco Carotenuto and Francesca Vivaldi
Letters by Fabio Amelia and Maurizio Clausi
The Rundown: As Leslie and others get used to a changed world, Shea finds the transition harder than she thought.

Shea finds acclimating to her new life difficult when dreams of her adoptive parents continue to flood her mind while the presence of Slaughter House continues to scare her. At the same time, Leslie and others continue to thrive in a changed world where the machinations of the Slaughter House no longer hold sway over society.
When Leslie and Khal are called to Shea’s school to deal with her attitude and actions, the anger the young woman is holding inside spills out into an argument. That night, something strange begins happening to Leslie. Something that could spell danger for everyone.
The Story: Andolfo brings readers back into the world of Unnatural with a wonderful first issue that captures the imagination and beautifully brings the reader back into the world of these characters and their conflicts. I love that this first issue kept the focus on the interpersonal conflicts while teasing the bigger ones to come. The story is equal parts entertaining and engaging from start to finish.
The Art: Andolfo and Bidarella deliver some beautiful art on every page of this issue. The world of these characters is wonderfully detailed and filled with a bright, fun energy.