Undiscovered Country #5
Image Comics
Written by Charles Soule and Scott Snyder
Art by Giuseppe Camuncoli and Leonardo Marcello Grassi
Colors by Matt Wilson
Letters by Crank!
The Rundown: Daniel and Lottie have some intense family counseling on the road to the Spiral and Pavel makes a stand.
Lottie cannot believe that her brother Daniel betrayed their entire party to the Destiny Man, but Daniel has news for her that could potentially explain everything including whey their parents sent them away. At the same time, Pavel Bukowski fights for his survival as he is put through a brutal ritual at the American wall.
With the rest of the party on the run and the Destiny Man in pursuit, Lottie will put her trust in Sam, but is that trust misplaced? Meanwhile, Pavel uses his skills as a soldier to discover the secret at the top of the wall.
The Story: The story of Undiscovered Country continues to get more dense and mysterious as events unfold and each chapter becomes more interesting. Soule and Snyder are building an engaging and intriguing world with this series and the characters keep me coming back issue after issue. Pavel’s story is fantastic and it beautifully pivots into his present circumstances in a way that made me cheer. Lottie and Daniel’s complicated relationship and their connection to events makes me want to explore more of this story as it continues to unfold. The fact that I can’t predict where this story is going is one of the factors that keeps me coming back to it and being engrossed in the story.
The Art: Camuncoli and Grassi deliver some beautiful and impressive visuals throughout the issue. Everything from the action to the character moments are filled with details and capture the eye of the reader. A consistently impressive ride issue after issue.