Uncanny Valley #5

BOOM! Studios

Written by Tony Fleecs

Art by Dave Wachter

Colors by Dave Wachter

Letters by Pat Brosseau

The Rundown: Oliver is confronted by a dangerous entity who wants his blood to save the world.

Oliver and his mother confront the creature that has been hunting him. A creature that wants Oliver’s blood to help save their world. Unfortunately, Oliver’s mother Peggy will not allow her son to be taken and his toon friends attempt to protect them with disastrous effects.

When Pecos Pete returns to defend his grandson, he and the others realize that they are outmatched. Oliver decides to do something desperate to stop him and save his family. Something that could change everything about the boy and his destiny.

The Story: Fleecs ramps up the action and drama throughout this issue. There are moments of great suspense and some fantastic character moments as well. I like the villain in this story and am interested in seeing what he wants. I also really liked Oliver and his mother in this story. Fleecs continues to craft a fun, thrilling and entertaining adventure that ends with a fantastic cliffhanger that makes me excited to see what happens next.

The Art: Wachter delivers some fantastic art throughout the issue. I continue to love the visual style and the mixture of characters and action.

Uncanny Valley #5



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