Uncanny Valley #4
BOOM! Studios
Written by Tony Fleecs
Art by Dave Wachter
Colors by Dave Wachter
Letters by Pat Brosseau
The Rundown: Oliver and his family discover they’ve been betrayed.

Oliver and his grandfather find themselves being confronted by animated ghosts and skeletons as Grandfather attempts to tell them that he is taking Oliver to the First himself. Unfortunately, their parlay is interrupted by a speeding Margaret who is determined to rescue her son from her grandfather.
As Margaret thinks back on the events that made her leave the animated world she lived in with her father, the First arrives to reveal something dark and dangerous that Oliver’s grandfather was not prepared for.
The Story: Fleecs crafts some great drama in this issue. There is a wonderful mixture of humor and action throughout the story and I love seeing the backstory with Margaret and the drama between her and her father. I really enjoy this world being created and there are some great moments that tease something special is coming for these characters.
The Art: Wachter continues to craft a wonderful mix of animated characters and seemingly real ones. I love the visual contrast a lot and how it evokes some wonderful emotional moments.