Uncanny Spider-Man #4
Marvel Comics
Written by Si Spurrier
Art by Lee Garbett
Colors by Matt Milla
Letters by Joe Caramagna
The Rundown: Kurt’s superhero distractions can’t help him escape reality.

Kurt finds himself watching the real Spider-Man deal with an outbreak of anti-mutant violence as the voice inside his head continues to urge him to do more. When Mystique arrives to cause more havoc, Kurt finally steps in before being confronted by Silver Sable again.
Sable herself is put into a difficult position when her relationship with Kurt becomes a problem for her team and their contract with Orchis. A problem that will lead to betrayal.
The Story: An intense, bittersweet and entertaining story from Spurrier in this issue. The story does a fantastic job of having Kurt confront both his actions and inaction. A level of responsibility that he cannot hide from, especially in a Spider suit. The Kurt/Sable dynamic continues to be brilliantly done and the dilemma it puts both characters in is engaging.
The Art: Garbett delivers some beautifully detailed and visually dynamic art throughout the issue. The visuals are thrilling and emotional and I was immersed in every moment.