Uncanny Spider-Man #3
Marvel Comics
Written by Simon Spurrier
Art by Javier Pina
Colors by Matt Milla
Letters by Joe Caramagna
The Rundown: Kurt continues to charm some and romance others, but his search for his mother will reveal Orchis’ dark plans for him.

Orchis continues its plans of winning the hearts and minds of the populace while Kurt does the same by exposing their operations and stopping disasters before they can begin. At the same time, he continues to run from Silver Sable and her team while also meeting in secret with their leader for some after-hours fun.
Vulture begins the next phase of his plan when Kurt goes looking for Mystique. A plan that is taking heroes and infecting them with a virus that will make them hunt down mutants and transform them.
The Story: Spurrier does a fantastic job of mixing humor and thrills throughout this series and this issue is no different. A fun story with some great character moments and revelations for Kurt. I like the dynamic between Kurt and Silver Sable and how ominous their coupling is getting. The Mystique storyline is compelling and Spurrier delivers some great surprises with the reveal of the new Hounds hunting mutants.
The Art: Pina delivers some fantastic art in the issue. The action is visually thrilling throughout and the character designs look fantastic.