Ultimate Wolverine #3

Marvel Comics

Written by Chris Condon

Art by Alessandro Cappuccio

Colors by Brayn Valenza

Letters by Cory Petit

The Rundown: Wolverine is sent on a mission to bring down the mutant opposition, but finds a familiar face among his targets.

The Republic has another mission for their Winter Soldier aka Wolverine. This time it is to find a missing operative named Natasha Romanova who is apparently working with the Opposition leaders Remy Lebeau and Kitty Pryde.

As Wolverine infiltrates the Opposition base alongside a group of troops from the Republic, they discover that the tunnel they’re using has been rigged to explode. When Remy is alerted to the attack, he and the others attempt to escape with the cargo they came to liberate and Kitty’s confrontation with Wolverine will force him to confront the truth.

The Story: Condon crafts a thrilling, entertaining story in this issue. I loved the pace of the action and how it continues to create a new, exciting and unexpected world with familiar faces that are completely different to the ones we know. I like the little surprises throughout the story and how Natasha fits into it. I love not knowing whether she can be trusted or not and the confrontation with Wolverine was brilliantly done and secured my desire to see what happens in the aftermath.

The Art: Cappuccio’s art is visually gorgeous throughout the issue. I love the character designs and how the hard lines capture and enhance the drama of the story.

Ultimate Wolverine #3



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