Ultimate Wolverine #2

Marvel Comics

Written by Chris Condon

Art by Alessandro Cappuccio

Colors by Bryan Valenza

Letters by Cory Petit

The Rundown: Skeptical of the viability of their program, the leaders decide the Winter Soldier needs a field test.

Dr. Prostovich is called into a meeting with the leaders of Republic in order to answer questions about her Winter Soldier program and its subject. Years before, another doctor is looking into the same subject before he gets a deadly visit from the Maker. Back in the present, she tells them of the success she’s had with the subject, but Ilyana and Piotr are unimpressed and want to see the man for themselves.

In order to test the viability of her program, they decide to send him after a select group of republic soldiers to test him. A mission that will reveal that he is more formidable than they imagined and that he is ready to be sent after more mutants.

The Story: I continue to be impressed with the dark tone of this story. Condon is making some intriguing and interesting moves throughout this series so far and I find myself impressed by both the brutality of the story and the cold demeanor of the characters. I like how this story is building and evolving and look forward to seeing how dark it gets next issue.

The Art:  Cappuccio delivers beautiful art throughout this issue. The lines and camera angles perfectly capture the hard and harsh tone of the story and its characters.

Ultimate Wolverine #2



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