Ultimate Universe #1
Marvel Comics
Written by Jonathan Hickman
Art by Stefano Caselli
Colors by David Curiel
Letters by Joe Caramagna
The Rundown: Iron Lad and Reed begin their quest to save the world and their first stop is Asgard.

Stark and Reed know they need help to unmake everything the Maker took from their world and their first trip is to Asgard to find and rescue Thor. After breaking him free and reuniting him with his hammer, Thor escapes and learns of the plans the Maker used to frame him while also being introduced to someone else who might be able to help them.
Their next mission will bring them to Latveria where they need to find the items the Maker stole from the nascent heroes, but the world powers have a plan to stop Stark’s plan once and for all.
The Story: An exciting and compelling story. I love the underground nature and tone of this story. I love the clandestine elements of the story and how the characters grow and evolve because of it. I like the forces allied against them as well and how everything in the story ramps up the conflict and suspense.
The Art: Caselli delivers some fantastic art in the issue. The visuals are beautifully detailed and filled with great action and characters.