Ultimate Spider-Man #3

Marvel Comics

Written by Jonathan Hickman

Art by Marco Checchetto

Colors by Matthew Wilson

Letters by Cory Petit

The Rundown: Peter decides on a new suit and finds himself in the middle of a clash between the Green Goblin and Bullseye.

Peter Parker and his daughter May are keeping secrets from the rest of the family. One of them is the design of his Spider-Man costume. After making a final decision, Peter pays a visit to his uncle and Jameson’s new office and learns what they are working on regarding Fisk and the Green Goblin hunting him.

After searching for the Goblin, Spider-Man discovers him in a pitched battle with Bullseye who has orders to eliminate the problem once way or another.

The Story: Hickman crafts a fun, entertaining and thrilling story filled with possibility for the character. I continue to enjoy the more mature Peter Parker in this series and how he navigates being a new hero while also managing his family life. I also like the unpredictability of the stories and how immersive this world is.

The Art: Checchetto delivers beautifully detailed and visually dynamic art throughout the issue. The imagery is thrilling and I love the action a lot.

Ultimate Spider-Man #3



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