Ultimate Spider-Man #12
Marvel Comics
Written by Jonathan Hickman
Art by Marco Checchetto
Colors by Matthew Wilson
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: The Parkers have a perfectly normal Christmas party with family, until it isn’t.

Peter and Mary Jane are having a Christmas party and when Ben and Jonah arrive they discover that there are some unexpected guests in the form of Mary Jane’s estranged sister and mother. As things continue to get tense, Mary Jane turns to Peter for help while May pesters her mother about the multiple phone calls she’s receiving from Gwen.
As Mary Jane attempts to reconcile with her sister and the two talk about her personal life, MJ finally decides to answer the phone and discovers that not only is Harry Osborn missing, but that something is wrong with Peter.
The Story: Hickman masterfully crafts a thoughtful, sweet and light story in this issue right before revealing something shocking and exciting in a cliffhanger that left me giddy. I loved the buildup of drama throughout the story and how it drew me in with the family drama before pulling the rug out from under everything. I am excited to see what happens next in this story.
The Art: Checchetto delivers beautiful art throughout the issue. The character designs are always impressive and the final visual moments of the issue are brilliantly dark and engaging.