Ultimate Spider-Man #10
Marvel Comics
Written by Jonathan Hickman
Art by David Messina
Colors by Matthew Wilson
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: Jonah and Ben continue their investigation into Fisk and end up poking a bear close to home.

Ben Parker and J. Jonah Jameson are determined to get to the truth no matter where it lies and their first stop is a tense meeting with Fisk’s attorney Wesley as they continue to put pieces together. Pieces that will lead them to another link in the chain. Unfortunately, this one is a little close to home as they leave to confront their financier, Gwen Stacy.
After another intense encounter, Ben has an interesting dinner with Peter and MJ and he and Jonah prepare for a visit from someone. When Harry arrives, the three verbally spar about the story they are writing before an intense exchange leads to something big for Ben and Jonah.
The Story: Hickman continues to deliver a highly engaging world in this series. It’s a story that reminds me of everything I love about writing, journalism and truth. Without big action beats and supervillains, Hickman creates a thrilling, suspenseful and compelling story of two men searching for the truth and discovering if they are brave enough to reveal it to the world. I loved the focus on these two characters a lot and the tense moments between them and Gwen and especially Harry. The final beats of the issue tease something big coming and I cannot wait to see what the fallout is.
The Art: Messina delivers beautiful art throughout the issue. The imagery is wonderful and I love the use of shadow and light throughout many of the scenes.