Ultimate Spider-Man #1
Marvel Comics
Written by Jonathan Hickman
Art by Marco Checchetto
Colors by Matthew Wilson
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: Peter Parker feels like something is missing from his life and he will get an opportunity to discover what that is.

It’s been months since a terrorist attack destroyed part of the city and killed thousands. Unaware of the dark forces behind the attack, reporter Peter Parker lives a good life in the city with his wife and children. He even works for his Uncle Ben and his partner Jameson at the Daily Bugle.
Unfortunately, Peter still feels like something is missing. Like he is supposed to be living a different life. After speaking with both Ben and Mary Jane, Peter decides to step up and accept an offer from Tony Stark that will change his life forever.
The Story: Hickman creates a wonderfully interesting take on the origin story in this first issue and I really loved the mature tone of the story. Giving Peter a more grounded life gives a new take on the responsibility of being a hero and I want to see that explored in this series. I look forward to seeing a mature Peter navigate the life he’s chosen and the drama of how that life affects the one at home with his family.
The Art: Checchetto delivers some beautiful art in the issue. Every page and panel engage the reader in this world and with these characters. I love the visual style of the series and look forward to seeing more in the next issue.