Ultimate Black Panther #2
Marvel Comics
Written by Bryan Edward Hill
Art by Stefano Caselli
Colors by David Curiel
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: T’Challa fights to protect Wakanda as enemies plot to bring down the country.

In the wake of the assassination of its king, Wakanda is turning to darkness. T’Challa is doing what he can to protect the country, but the forces of Khonshu and Ra are getting information that can only be provided by someone within the country.
After receiving a prophecy regarding a possible ally, T’Challa and Shuri form a plan to discover the location of their enemies. When the Black Panther is attacked enroute, he is saved by a mysterious woman who might be the one he learned about.
The Story: I continue to be impressed with the world of this story and the changes Hill is making to the origin of the Black Panther. I love the complexity of the story both in its interpersonal relationships and political drama. There is a wonderful complexity to T’Challa’s story in this series and I look forward to seeing that continue to develop.
The Art: Caselli delivers some beautifully dramatic and detailed art throughout the issue. I love the visual style a lot and how it crafts the beauty of the world and its characters.
1 Comment
Allen Francis
March 18, 2024 - 10:27 amThis has been the best Black Panther comic book run in years and it is only 2 issues in. I love how Hill balances political intrigue with fleshing out T’Challa’s character and motivations as a ruler. Loved the Ultimate version of the costume. The 616 BP comics have just been underwhelming for years and this series is a refreshing change.