Image Comics
Written by Skottie Young
Art by Kyle Strahm
Colors by Jean-Francois Beaulieu
Letters by Nate Piekos
The Rundown: Twig’s quest continues to take some unexpected turns.

Twig finds himself facing the last horned beast. His quest requires the creature’s heart, but Twig finds himself unable to kill the innocent creature after they talk and the quest acquires a new member in the form of Lobee. As the group beds down for the night, Twig dreams of his quest and the dark path that it’s taking.
The group gets back on the road to their next location, the Never Knot. A journey that will test Twig’s ability to trust when a creature locked behind a gate has the answer to what they seek. As their journey continues, Twig and company find themselves facing an old adversary who has been on their trail.
The Story: Young crafts an entertaining and engaging story in this issue that touches on some interesting themes for the character. The world of this series is vibrant, compelling and engaging with themes that are universal and a charming sense of innocence that keeps me wanting more. I continue to be impressed with the story and look forward to the next issue.
The Art: Strahm delivers some beautifully detailed and vibrant art throughout the issue. The world of this story is new and unique and every page and panel delivers something new to experience.