Trial of the Amazons #2
DC Comics
Written by Beck Cloona, Michael W. Conrad, Vita Ayala, Stephanie Williams, and Joëlle Jones
Art by Elena Casagrande, Laura Braga, Sylar Patridge, Adriana Melo and Joëlle Jones
Colors by Romulo Fajardo, Jr. and Jordie Bellaire
Letters by Pat Brosseau
The Rundown: The Amazons battle Chaos and later Diana and Yara bond.

Chaos appears and is confronted by the Amazons, and most directly, Diana. Soon, she is aided by a family member. Elsewhere, Nubia and her sisters are girded to The War Chest of Nike. There, Cassie releases a murderer in hopes of shoring up forces against Chaos. Later, as the Amazons are forced to fight their spellbound sisters, the battle moves in the direction of Doom’s Doorway and two leaders make a devastating sacrifice. Later, Nubia and Diana have a heart to heart and Diana presents Yara with something special. And finally, the three tribes of the Amazons gather in unity.
The Story: The final chapter of the Trial of the Amazons ends with a promising air of unity. There were several impressive moments that I felt truly showed the value in community and the society of women, most especially in terms of forgiveness, sacrifice, and welcome. I also appreciated how the narrative was able to focus on several Amazons while finding a quiet moment to emphasize Yara’s tale. Even though this crossover event has come to a conclusion, it leaves the door open for many exciting adventures to come, and I look forward to learning more about the Amazonian tribes and their new queen.
The Art: This beautifully crafted issue is presented in a modern design with bold coloring and tight detailed drawings. I am impressed with the attention to detail given to character form, and the diversity in ethnicity and personal aesthetic of the Amazons is impressive. Overall, I found this chapter to be both emotionally connective and transportive.