Titans United: Bloodpact #1
DC Comics
Written by Cavan Scott
Art by Lucas Meyer
Colors by Tony Avina
Letters by Carlos M Mangual
The Rundown: The Titans unite to take on Brother Blood, but it might be too late for them and the world.

Tim Drake is called in to help the Teen Titans take on some old enemies. A battle that will test each of them as they fight to retrieve a magical artifact that the crew have stolen for their employer. After getting the upper hand, the Titans discover that they have retrieved the Bloodstone, a powerful artifact that attracts the personal intervention of Brother Blood.
After taking down most of the Titans, Raven arrives to help her friends. Unfortunately, her connection to the stone will force her to make a dangerous decision. One that will see Tim wake up in a world he doesn’t recognize. A world ruled by someone he thought was a friend.
The Story: Scott delivers an exciting and entertaining first issue filled with action and adventure. The plot is intriguing and creates a great mystery for the characters and I love that it is being told from Tim’s perspective. I love seeing Brother Blood as the villain in this story and look forward to exploring his conflict with the Titans.
The Art: Meyer delivers some great art in the issue. The action is visually dynamic and beautifully detailed. The character designs are great and the art gives a great sense of the tone of the story.