Titans #5
DC Comics
Written by Tom Taylor
Art by Nicola Scott
Colors by Anette Kwok
Letters by Wes Abbott
The Rundown: The Titans team with Swamp Thing to help an ecological disaster.

After bringing down the mercenaries tearing up the jungle in Borneo, the Titans decide to pay a visit to Swamp Thing to get some help in fixing the ecological devastation in the area. Utilizing the skills of the team, they begin the process of healing the land and evolving the ways that they help.
At the same time, Nightwing tours the Titan’s trophy room with Linda and Wally. Showing them the destructive weapons on display, Linda decides to activate a bomb that could destroy everything around them and confirms to Dick that she has been infected by a parasite.
The Story: Taylor takes the team in an interesting direction in this issue. I like how both sides of the story complement each other. The Nightwing/Flash story has a great level of suspense while the Titans story has a great lighter tone. I enjoyed the ending and look forward to seeing what happens next.
The Art: Scott delivers some dynamic art throughout the issue and I continue to love the visual style of the series.