Titans #2
DC Comics
Written by Tom Taylor
Art by Nicola Scott
Colors by Annette Kwok
Letters by Wes Abbott
The Rundown: While the Titans investigate a mystery involving one of their own, a disaster forces them to look at a new threat.

Dick Grayson remembers a time when he led the Teen Titans against Brother Blood and his cult and found themselves too late as the Justice League had already swooped in and stopped them. It’s a memory he thinks about as he and the rest of the team stand over the dead body of Wally West. To make things even stranger, Wally arrives and he and the rest of the team begin to investigate why he would come back in time and who killed him.
Their investigation gets interrupted by another environmental disaster and the team heads in to help. In the aftermath, the Titans see the return of an ongoing threat as well as the betrayal of a former member of the team.
The Story: Taylor crafts a fun and entertaining story with some great twists throughout. Not only was I not expecting Wally to show up, but I loved seeing the team reacting to the situation and the awkwardness of it. I love seeing the Titans come into their own as heroes and the flashback was a great narrative choice. The mysteries being created in this series have gotten my attention and I look forward to seeing them unfold.
The Art: Scott delivers some beautiful art in the issue. Not only is the action visually thrilling, but the character designs are fantastic and perfectly complement the environments of the issue.