Timeless #1
Marvel Comics
Written by Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly
Art by Juann Cabal
Colors by Edgar Delgado
Letters by Travis Lanham
The Rundown: Luke Cage is the final hero waging war against a god.

In the future humans march towards an uncertain fate. Among them is a lone Luke Cage who knows that the people marching towards the temple of Khonshu are traveling to their deaths at his hands. Infused with powers from his fallen brethren, Luke takes a final stand against Khonshu and his herald, Moon Knight.
Taking to the heavens, Luke battles Moon Knight and remembers that he is facing someone familiar. As he takes on his enemy and his master, Luke Cage will become part of a bigger story that will span time and space along with the fates of the heroes of Earth.
The Story: Lanzing and Kelly create a dramatic, engaging and highly intriguing story in this issue. This is an interesting and brilliant version of Luke Cage and seeing the world and events through his eyes is great because of how grounded a character he is usually portrayed to be. I love how this story connects to upcoming arcs throughout the Marvel universe and I look forward to seeing how that connection plays out.
The Art: Cabal delivers some beautiful art that brilliantly captures the action and thrills of the story while showcasing the power of the characters.