Thundercats #3
Dynamite Entertainment
Written by Declan Shalvey
Art by Drew Moss
Colors by Martina Pignedoli
Letters by Jeff Eckleberry
The Rundown: The tension between the Thundercats leads to a violent challenge.

Calica wanders the Thundercat’s base in the middle of the night and finds herself stopped by Panthro who is still suspicious of the young woman. The next day, Lion-O decides to use eye in her presence and discovers a strange doorway and the return of an old friend. At the same time, Mumm-Ra deals with the presence of the ghostly Jaga who does not speak and haunts his chambers.
As Slithe deals with his captors and defies his treatment, the tension between Panthro and Lion-O boils over causing one of the Thundercats to challenge the General to a duel.
The Story: Shalvey delivers an entertaining follow up issue filled with great tension. The tension between the characters considering their circumstances is great and the introduction of Calica into the mix delivers some great drama. There are some interesting mysteries being developed throughout the series and the Jaga/Mumm-Ra storyline has definitely gotten my attention.
The Art: Moss offers some fantastic art in the issue. I love the use of shadow throughout and how it denotes the tension and suspense of a scene.