Thundercats #13

Dynamite Entertainment

Written by Declan Shalvey

Art by Drew Moss

Colors by Martina Pignedoli and Giovanna La Pietra

Letters by Jeff Eckleberry

The Rundown: Snarf makes a journey of discovery to find his destiny.

With Lion-O trapped within the pyramid of Mumm-Ra, Snarf is left to stand vigil in the desert until he sees the hidden door that moves him between worlds. He enters the doorway and finds himself in relative peace with new surroundings, but something continues to call to him.

After traveling a world between worlds, Snarf finds himself confronted with others of his kind and shown another door. A door that will show him not only the consequences of his inaction, but also what and who he needs to gather in order to save the lord of the Thundercats.

The Story: Shalvey does a great job of crafting a story that is both thrilling and emotional without a lot of dialogue. The story beats themselves convey everything the reader needs to understand the journey Snarf is taking in the issue. I really enjoyed the progression of this story and how the cliffhanger showcases the danger the characters are in.

The Art: Moss delivers some beautifully detailed and powerful art throughout the issue. I love the alien look of the world of this story and the character designs a lot.

Thundercats #13



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