Those Not Afraid #3
Dark Horse Comics
Written by Kyle Starks
Art by Patrick Piazzalunga
Colors by Marco Brakko
Letters by Jim Campbell
The Rundown: The killers are cornered, but they are not without resources.

Mark has been arrested as the Ladykiller and finds himself sitting in an interrogation room while the gears of the investigation grind slowly. At the same time, the Home Intruder fights his way out of a trap sprung by the police. After discovering that his only friend and rival is in custody, the killer decides to stage a copycat murder to throw suspicion off Mark. A move that gets the other man released, but his homecoming has some unexpected consequences.
As tensions continue to rise, the media coverage of the cases draws the attention of someone with a history of murder in the town. Someone who decides that he is the perfect person to rival the competing serial killers.
The Story: Starks crafts a story with some unique and entertaining twists and turns throughout. I wasn’t expecting the hard turn it takes in this issue after how unexpected the finale of the last one was and I appreciate how the plot plays with the expectations of the reader. Things get intense for the killers while tension is raised for everyone, including Mark’s wife. I like seeing a new wrinkle added to the competition and am intrigued to see what happens when it is unleashed.
The Art: Piazzalunga crafts some great art throughout the issue and I love the use of shadow to define the emotion of a scene.