From all estimates, director Taika Waititi has a hit on his hands with the upcoming Thor: Ragnarok. So with a potential blockbuster about to come out, speculation is heavy on what the director takes on after. 

Speculation is rampant that the director is going to take on the long stalled live action movie based on the popular anime Akira. It looks like Warner Brothers is currently negotiating with the director to helm the film based on information from Deadline. The film has been languishing for years in one stage of development or another with actors from Leonardo DiCaprio to Dane Dehann attached to play the lead character Tetsuo. Rauriri Robinson and the Hughes Brothers were also attached to direct at one point or another. 

If Waititi comes aboard to direct the film, it seems unlikely that he will use the previous scripts written for it including Gary Whitta (Book of Eli). So expect the director to bring in his own draft. Still, it does seem like we might be getting one step closer to actually seeing Akira on the big screen in live action. Let me know what you think in the comments below.

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