Thor #27
Marvel Comics
Written by Al Ewing and Donny Cates
Art by Salvador Larroca
Colors by Edgar Delgado
Letters by Joe Sabino
The Rundown: Thor finds himself facing an old enemy with a new and dangerous power.

In the aftermath of Thor’s fight with Hulk, the Bifrost is destroyed and the All-Father contemplates the destruction he brought to his people. Loki arrives to offer some comfort to his brother and possibly help him rebuild the rainbow bridge. Unfortunately, Loki’s attempt to open a portal unleashes something unexpected.
A former foe of Thor’s emerges and prepares to destroy Asgard as Thor and the others attempt to stop him. To make things more interesting, Venom emerges and reveals that the creature they are fighting is being influenced by a symbiote that is growing in power.
The Story: Ewing and Cates deliver an entertaining, drama filled story in this issue. I continue to enjoy the drama of Thor dealing with his new role, but the story needs to evolve a little more. Brooding Thor is fine for exploring the seriousness of his position, but I would like to see more balance within the character including a return of the Thor who enjoyed his friends and his life.
The Art: Larroca delivers great art in the issue. There are some great action beats in the issue and the fights are visually engaging.