Thor #25
Marvel Comics
Written by Donny Cates
Art by Martin Coccolo
Colors by Matt Wilson
Letters by Joe Sabino
The Rundown: The Avengers locate Hulk and Odin learns the truth about why Banner is on the run.

The Avengers gather at the mountain once the location of Banner is found and Tony Stark decides that it is time for him to get some payback for what Hulk tried to do to him. Something that enrages Captain America, but he is unable to prevent as Tony takes to the stars to locate Hulk. At the same time, Thor tries to talk to Hulk as Odin attempts to reach Banner inside the control room.
As Banner puts his external body on auto and continues his fight with Thor, Odin attacks within and the fight leads to Odin being pulled into Banner’s memory of what happened in El Paso. An event that will push Bruce on the course he is on now. One that will get even more complicated when Stark arrives with a new suit specifically made for his next encounter with the Hulk.
The Story: Cates continues to create intense action and great interpersonal conflict in this story. I love that Odin takes a different tactic in dealing with Banner internally. It shows the character is more rounded and engaging. I like the evolving mystery of what happened in El Paso and am curious to see where it goes next. The sequence was filled with great tension and the story continues to hold my attention as it unfolds.
The Art: Coccolo delivers some great art in the issue. The style works beautifully for both the characters and the intense action throughout.