Thor #24
Marvel Comics
Written by Donny Cates, Walter Simonson, Dan Jurgens, J. Michael Straczynski, Al Ewing and Jason Aaron
Art by Nic Klein, Walter Simonson, Dan Jurgens, Olivier Coipel, Lee Garbett and Das Pastoras
Inks by Klaus Janson
Colors by Matt Wilson, Laura Martin, Matt Milla, Alejandro Sanchez and Antonio Fabela
Letters by Joe Sabino and John Workman
The Rundown: The funeral of Odin will reveal tales of the former king as well as things brewing that will challenge the new one.
The Second Son of Asgard
Thor and others travel to Asgard to recount the life and deeds of Odin. Thor gives the eulogy of his father and reads from the sacred book that only kings can read. He decides to tell the gathered mourners the tales of his father and the glory he brought in his actions. The end of the issue features an emotional reunion between father and son and the revelation that Odin cannot move on because something has happened in the afterlife that will need Thor’s attention.

Cates crafts a poignant and touching beginning to this issue with moments of emotion that are punctuated by beautiful art from Nic Klein.
The Korbonites face extinction if they do not leave their planet, but their leaders have been creating a hybrid protector to keep their people safe. Unfortunately, their early trials have been less than successful and one of them decides that their latest champion is a liability because he cannot be easily controlled. He decides to send his own champion to kill him and discovers that this champion, called Beta, is hard to kill.
Simonson delivers some awesome action and adventure in a story that harkens back to some of the best Beta Ray Bill tales both in plot and art.
The Seduction
Imbued with the power of the All-Father, Thor takes down Mangog and Thanos with a new set of weapons. In the aftermath, Thor prepares to use that power to resurrect an ally but Odin warns him about the seduction of the power he now holds. An arrogant god of thunder decides to ignore the warning and finds his efforts interrupted by the return of Mangog and a fight to the death.
Jurgens crafts a wonderful story that takes the reader back to classic Thor and his conflicts with Odin. A wonderful morality tale that has a beautiful, classic visual look from Jurgens himself.

A mortal man is brought before Thor in order to handle a strange request. Thor has decided to give the lawyer his last will and testament in hopes of staving off any wars for the throne in the wake of his death. He also has a message for the people of Earth. One that he desperately needs them to hear. One that tells humanity what Thor really thinks about them and a message that they hopefully understand as Thor knows that something is coming that will test them in ways they need to be prepared for.
I love the ominous nature of this story. I also really love its tone. Straczynski strikes a wonderful balance between the stories dark undertones and its message of hope. Coipel perfectly captures the tone of the story with beautifully detailed and dark art.
What Comes Next
Billions of years in the past, a group of scientists pick up strange readings coming from outside space and time. From a door filled with light, Loki appears. After seeing something that threatens all of reality, he wants to know what happened to the friend he was traveling with and finds himself not only seeing her, but also arriving at the funeral of Odin to see himself in mourning. Returning to the past, Loki decides on one last adventure. One that will require some cosmic and magical assistance.
Ewing crafts a great prologue to a new adventure for Loki and does an excellent job of giving the character a moment of catharsis by visiting himself in the wake of Odin’s death. The story has a lighter tone and a more thrilling narrative that is helped by Garbett’s art.
Who Wields Who?
Millions of years ago, young Odin finds himself without his weapon and facing an army of mountain giants. With a fickle Mjolnir not complying, Odin curses the hammer and fights for glory. All the while, the true power behind the hammer sits still in order to teach Odin a lesson in real power.
Aaron delivers a great short story filled with action, adventure and humor as it teaches a lesson in humility. Pastoras matches the mood and themes of the story will brilliant art throughout.