Thor #19
Marvel Comics
Written by Donny Cates
Art by Nic Klein
Colors by Matt Wilson
Letters by Joe Sabino
The Rundown: Thor must find thief who stole his hammer before it can be used fulfill a deadly prophecy.

The origin and history of Mjolnir is revealed as the war between the Titans and elder gods culminates in the discovery of the power by Odin. Through multiple trials it has always been there, but now Mjolnir has been stolen. After gathering his weapons Thor goes to Sif to determine if she knows where the thief is located. When Sif is unable to help him, Thor seeks out someone else who should have some answers, his father.
Saving his father from death in the gladiatorial arena, Thor and Odin make their way to Nidavellir. As they seek out the Dwarves to help Mjolnir, the pair find themselves in the aftermath of a slaughter. A slaughter that looks to have been committed by a familiar weapon.
The Story: Cates does a brilliant job of taking this story into some dark and personal territory for the character. Adding in the tense dynamic between Thor and Odin into the story is a great narrative choice. Cates does a great job of showing the toll leadership is having on Thor and the drama of his leadership and its effects on the people around him continues to be engaging and compelling. The mystery at the heart of the story is intriguing and I cannot wait to see where it goes next.
The Art: Nic Klein deliver some beautiful imagery throughout this issue. There are some truly beautiful character shots, and the action is thrilling and fun.