Thor #16
Marvel Comics
Written by Donny Cates
Art by Michele Bandini
Inks by Michele Bandini and Elisabetta D’Amico
Colors by Matt Wilson
Letters by Joe Sabino
The Rundown: Thor goes to see an old friend to talk about his fears.

Thor’s nightmares lead him to seek council from an old friend. He tells her of his nightmares and how Thanos will play a central role in his death. Their conversation comes to an abrupt end when the Wrecking Crew emerges to cause havoc. In the aftermath, Thor is summoned by his mother to deal with a personal issue. That issue being a drunk Odin waiting in the woods.
As the two begin to argue, the intervention of a rampaging monster takes precedent over their domestic squabble. As they fight the creature, an unexpected arrival ends the conflict and promptly prepares the two to deal with another one. A family one.
The Story: Cates does a great job of bringing both humor and heart to this issue. The story has several layers of conflict and each one is served well with great dialogue, humor and a tone that is both engaging and entertaining. The story is faster paced than previous ones and I was surprised at how fast it ended, but the way it ends has so much drama attached to it that it only made me more excited to see how this arc concludes.
The Art: Bandini delivers some beautiful art throughout this issue. There is awesome action to be found and both the fights and character moments are brilliantly rendered.