Thor #12
Marvel Comics
Written by Donny Cates
Art by Nic Klein
Colors by Matt Wilson
Letters by Joe Sabino
The Rundown: Blake will discover that his latest fight might be tougher than he realized.
Donald Blake is determined to destroy anyone who has wielded the power of Thor and his next victim is Throg. Unfortunately for Blake, he will find the amphibian a tougher opponent than he realized especially with Lockjaw on the scene helping his friend. Their battle rages across the stars until Throg gets the advantage and decides to take the injured Blake to seek help.

As Jane wonders what has happened to Donald, she decides to seek help from a familiar face. Unfortunately, she finds herself in the middle of a battle against an enraged Blake who has decided to take the fight to the world tree itself. As Thor can only look on, Jane travels the stars until she finds the one person who can put things right. The man responsible for all of this.
The Story: Cates mixes both intense action and humor in this issue and they both work really well. There is still an undercurrent of darkness to the plot and the characters, but the fight between Blake, Throg and Lockjaw is thrilling, fun and incredibly entertaining. Jane’s quest has me excited to see what happens next with this story.
The Art: Nic Klein consistently delivers beautiful, detailed and gloriously energetic art and this issue is no exception.