750864._SX1280_QL80_TTD_Thor #12

Marvel Comics 

Written by Jason Aaron

Art by Mike Del Mundo

Letters by Joe Sabino

It’s time for the God of Mischief to learn the true scale of his tricks.

Loki awakens in an unknown place. Unable to understand his current predicament, he thinks back on a story from his youth. The story of the first man he killed. As he tells the story, he is visited by different versions of himself.


Viking Loki helps him remember the circumstances that brought him to the War of the Realms and his role in starting it. It takes the vision of a young Malekith to get him to this understanding, but it isn’t the end of his journey. Young Loki brings his future self to a moment in time where he tried to connect with his father Laufey. Settling for a small room in the castle, young Loki is disgusted with his older self.

A nightmarish version of his older self seems to change Loki’s point of view and the realization that he hasn’t died yet puts the god of mischief in a state of agony.

As big as the story unfolding in War of the Realms is, this one left me flat. I think this entire story could have been cut down to a few pages because it seems like the B story of a bigger tale. In fact, everything that was happening outside of where Loki is would have been more compelling to see. This was a little too angst ridden a story for a character known for being more clever than most. I didn’t hate the story, but it stretched a lot further than it should have and a more compelling story should have been told instead.

Mike Del Mundo’s art is amazing, but the scene on the cover would have made a more interesting story for him to illustrate.

Thor #12




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