Thor #11
Marvel Comics
Written by Donny Cates
Art by Nic Klein
Colors by Matt Wilson
Letters by Joe Sabino
The Rundown: Thor must find a way to escape from Donald Blake’s prison as the man himself returns to Earth to see an old friend.
Donald Blake has returned to Earth and he has murder and revenge on his mind. His mission is to destroy everyone who was once a Thor, but his first stop is to have dinner with an old flame, Jane Foster. As the two of them reminisce and catch up, Jane reveals her time as Thor and it almost sends Blake into a frenzy until he remembers his feelings for her and decides to leave.

With the Asgardians trapped on another world and unable to return home, Thor cannot reach anyone to save him from the fantasy world Donald escaped from. A fact an old enemy enjoys telling him as Bill tries to find a way to free himself and the others. When Jane returns to work, she is confronted by a body that is connected to be her and Donald Blake as Blake himself makes his way to the swamps in search of his next victim.
The Story: Donny Cates does an amazing job of bringing the reader into the twisted mind of Donald Blake and building up the tension of the moment throughout his meal with Jane. There are so many moments where you think the story is going one way and Cates subverts your expectations in order to take it somewhere more interesting. A thoroughly engaging story with an awesome cliffhanger ending.
The Art: Nic Klein delivers some brilliant art throughout this issue. Taking the tone and menace of the story, Klein is about to build that tension through the art, especially through the facial expressions and movements of Donald Blake. Stunning visuals.