The Writer #1

Dark Horse Comics

Written by Josh Gad and Berkowitz Bros.

Art by Ariel Olivetti

Colors by Ariel Olivetti

Letters by Frank Cvetkovic

The Rundown: Writer Stanley Siegel finds his life turned upside down after discovering a family legend.

Stan Siegel is a professor at a local college as well as a writer and fan of stories. After dealing with some personal issues involving his family, he decides to put on a ring that belonged to his father. A ring that is supposedly tied to the power of an ancient story.

After putting on the ring, Stan begins to gain strange powers. Those powers also get the attention of people close to him as well as demons searching for the ring and Nazis hunting the writer and his family.

The Story: Gad and the Berkowitz Bros. craft an energetic and ambitious story in this first issue. While there are some interesting and engaging story beats throughout the issue, there are some moments that feel forced emotionally and can be heavy handed in its messaging. Too much of the story is revealed too son and the reader isn’t given the chance to be immersed within this world before being told what to concentrate and engage with. Beyond those things, the story has potential both in its premise and world building. There is a compelling mystery in this issue. I just wish the writers trusted the reader enough to discover it.

The Art: Olivetti delivers some beautifully detailed art throughout the issue. I liked the subtlety of the art as well as the visual style of the back story moments.

The Writer #1



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